Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I used to update about Emery monthly. Once she hit a year old, I started slacking. But she is doing SO MUCH right now.

First of all, she continues to mimic anything and everything she sees. She covers her mouth when she coughs. She blows her nose using a kleenex. She shakes out the laundry if they're wrinkly from leaving them in the dryer too long. And her biggest, most hilarious imitation that has turned into quite the task for us during mealtime?

She loves to dip her food. Chicken tenders in ketchup. Pancakes in syrup. Crackers in water. The girl will dip anything in anything. I've tried to get creative, as she eats really well if given something to dip her breakfast, lunch, and dinner in. I'm half-tempted to start pureeing some veggies for her to "dip" in :)

She really enjoys brushing her teeth with her dad..

We've been enjoying these last few weeks with just one baby. Trying to give Emery as much attention and affection as we can while she's still an only child. This past weekend, we visited the playground & she got to spend time with her two favorite things: daddy & the swing.

and last but certainly not least...she's developing her own sense of style. That's all I really need to say.

Grateful for you and your joy, baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful family... And I love your blogs :)
