Thursday, December 30, 2010

we had such a wonderful christmas this year. and we traveled quite a bit! emery was such a good babe - for the entire 16 day trip! after the past four christmas' spent in florida, we were finally able to spend one with MY family. my heart was full..and so was my stomach. constantly.

i can't believe 2011 is two days away. i've already started my list of things to do. we'll see just how many i check off this year. i was going to post my accomplishments from this past year, but its just embarrassing. i'm very thankful for a new, fresh year.

our [2 year] anniversary is on sunday. unbelievable. marriage, a new home, and a baby. we are making some progress!

here's my baby girl at 3 months old!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I wish I could blog every day. I technically could, but I always just forget. Then I have a long list of things I want to update about. Oh well..maybe one day.

I can't believe its December. I can't believe Emery is going to be 3 months old. Heck, I still can't even believe I have a BABY.

Yesterday, Emery rolled over all by herself! I think it startled her more than anything! My days of letting her lay on the couch while I clean are over. I can't believe how proud I am of such a little person. She blows my mind every day. Today, I'm watching her reach for rattles as she lays on her little ocean mat. So proud. Seriously.

We've got a lot of traveling ahead of us the next couple of weeks, but will end up with my family for Christmas in Indiana and I cannot wait.

There is so much more that I wanted to say, but can't remember. I need to start blogging every day.