Tuesday, July 19, 2011

10 Months & Lots of Photos

I just looked over the past few posts of Emery, and it makes me laugh. She looks so different with each passing month. Especially her hair - it has gotten so long! Some moments, I wonder if I should give her bangs a little trim...but they just look so cute pulled back in a bow.

Emery continues to bring so much joy to our whole family. New things: she's become a pro at opening up the cabinet doors. (Cabinet latches were purchased yesterday.) She waves hello & goodbye to everyone she meets. She still uses "da-da" to pronounce every word we try to teach her. I've heard a couple "la-la's" come out...but I think I'm just giving up on "momma."

If you ask her how big she is, she'll stretch her arms in the air like this to show you. We respond with "WOW! You are soo big!" Adorable! She also knows where to pat when you ask her where her head is!

Recently, she enjoys playing with puzzles. She hasn't quite grasped the concept, but it definitely keeps her occupied.

And she's still giving kisses. Even to the puzzle pieces.

Emery loves to sample everything we're eating. Her current favorites are mandarin oranges & ice cream. She's quite the little copy cat, too...trying to imitate the same noises she hears. Her faces and gestures and poses are so funny. We're constantly laughing at her silliness.

She also just found out she is going to be a big sister soon. If she loves on this new little baby like she does her stuffed animals, she's going to be the best big sister there is.

I've started to plan her 1st birthday party. Less than 2 month. Sigh...that's all I have to say about that.