Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Love These Signs.. & You Will Too!

There are a few people in my life that I admire SO much, I wish everyone could know them, too. Name somebody? Tara Lowry. She's a friend that I love everything about and look up to in so many ways: the way she takes care of her family and household, her hair and style, her sweet southern accent, THE WAY SHE DECORATES HER HOME, her love for Jesus...I could go on. One of my favorite things about her is her craftiness and ability to make beautiful things on a budget.

Last year, when we moved into our new home...her and her husband gave us a SWEET sign as a house warming gift. Coolest part? They made it themselves! Don't you love it??

Since then, they've been selling these signs. Tara has different ones throughout her home (family rules, cities, etc) and I covet them all!

This week on Tara's blog - found here - she's giving away one of these amazing signs. You should head over there and not only enter to win one...but read up on just how wonderful of a wife, mother, and talent she really is. And tell her I sent you!

1 comment:

  1. you were way too kind to me in this post......I appreciate every single word of it....and I can't wait to see you and your sweet family in a few days!
