Monday, April 5, 2010

"you're going to be such a great mom!"

i've heard that phrase a few times after people found out i was expecting, and every single time i hear it, my heart swells. granted, its a pretty common phrase amongst women who have friends expecting their first child. i've said it a few times myself. but as i get further into this pregnancy, this season, this life altering place...i begin to connect more and more with the cliche phrases.

"i don't care what it is, as long as its healthy."

"i just want whats best for my children."

"it's a different kind of love when you have a child."

this little peanut is still developing. i haven't a clue what its private parts are. there are so many unknowns when it comes to what s/he will look, talk, and act like. but already, there has been such growth inside of me to fight for everything that has anything do with him/her. i am so in love...and can truthfully say - from the deep, unknown parts of me - i never thought i could love this much.