Thursday, April 8, 2010


- i need to apologize to my pretty little hydrangea's that matt bought for me a couple of weeks ago. i had high hopes for these little guys...but i will never have a green thumb. ever. sorry pretty petals. i did my best.

- i am a sorry excuse for a house wife these days. totally unacceptable when your husband runs out of his skibbies because you're not keeping up on laundry. i'm definitely not doing my best in that area...and need to be better. and don't even get me STARTED on cooking dinner. ugh.

- i had the worst dream about my little sister last night. it dealt with trampling horses and broken bones. all the while, i just stood there and watched. it woke me up and i just couldn't fall back to sleep. matt never dreams. i envy that.

- i am obsessed with looking at baby rooms. its kind of pathetic. i still don't have any set ideas, and really need to find out what this little person is going to be so i have a better idea of what to go off of. two more weeks!

- school's out for the summer in two weeks as well! then we're going on a cruise in three. i love my lifeee.

- i am really into Christy Nockels lately. Sandra McCracken is definitely a favorite of mine, too. her new album is coming out the end of this month and i am so pumped. love her hymns.

- speaking of hymns, i am missing indiana. they hold revival weeks and this week is one of them. you don't realize it at the time, but i took those evenings for granted. such great words spoken in those messages. God really moves.

- do you ever really loathe your attitude? i've become more and more convicted of mine the past couple of weeks. its to the point where i can't stand myself, and have a certain relationship suffering because of it. i am so selfish and set in my own ways of thinking. its not fair. its really ugly. and i really need to get over myself. "and they will know us by our love."

alright! laundry time! :)


  1. hahaha. i find myself asking the same question. thats what gets me in trouble :)
