Sunday, January 9, 2011

On this day just one year ago, I found out I was pregnant. Emery is now almost 4 months old, and I cannot even believe what she and the experiences I have had with her have done to my life and for my soul.

Tonight was her very first Sunday in childcare at church. I was surprisingly nervous in handing her over, but walked away with so much joy. Today was a big day. It was one of her first steps (even if she won't remember...and was just held by a stranger the whole time) in learning who Jesus is and what He's done for her. Ok, maybe today was just a big day for me. Either way, I can't wait for her to know the love that God has for her.

After service, we tried out her bumbo chair for the first time. For all of you uptight (yeah, i said it) mommy's out there, yes, that is my counter top..and I am fully aware that the bumbo chair is never to be used on an elevated surface. But it made for a good picture and we didn't let her sit and chill by herself for too long. :)

I'm blessed beyond measure.


  1. love you, Ashley!!! and you guys are so fabulous!

  2. We totally used to put Connor in his on the kitchen counter when my mom or I would do the dishes! No judgment here, Momma!! =)
