Monday, October 18, 2010


-emery is officially sleeping in her crib every night. i still sleep in the guest room next to her. maybe one day i'll be brave enough to go back to my own room :)

-i am SO in love with the weather we've had this past week. totally puts me in the mood to decorate for the fall season. i can't believe its almost november!

-i'm going home in 2 weeks. can't wait to see the fam fam..and have everyone meet this little girl whom i love so very much.

-parenthood is settling well with matt and i. we laugh SO much and really enjoy all of the new things that come with having a child. i am so thankful for this little family i have been given.

-i really miss sewing. lots of ideas i've got stirring around in my head. hoping to make some time for that, soon!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear about your beautiful baby! Hope you are able to get back into your bed sometime soon!
