Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Seven Months.

It's still unbelievable how quickly this little girl is growing and developing. Without whining too much about it...I'll give you a little update on where and how Emery is. We had a little photo shoot a couple of days ago, so please enjoy her cuteness as you read.

Emery really loves textures. Whether it be grass, tile floors, or my head of hair, she's always got her hands on something. She recently figured out how to hold her own bottle, which has been SUCH a help to me. I'm really just proud of her. :)

She LOVES to wear dresses and skirts. Especially when we play peek-a-boo. Too cute. She still continues to put everything in her mouth and we're still waiting for a tooth to bust through. She's soaking those dresses and skirts as she sucks on them :)

She is crawling and scooting across the house. Rolling is a thing of the past. Last night, she PULLED HERSELF UP by grabbing my knee. And if we prop her against something, she grabs on all by herself and stands there. There is no such thing as a barricade anymore, either. This girl can climb over anything.

She's doing so great with her solids. It was a rocky start, but we've finally got the hang of it. She wants to try everything I'm eating and drinking. Her curious little face is the best.

There are so many moments throughout my day when I am so completely blown away with how lucky I am to have such a sweet little girl. She hangs out with me all day long, sits with me when the day is difficult, and loves on me when God knows its all I need. I am so so very thankful. Every single day, I am more thankful.

Love her to death.


  1. babies are the greatest.

    yours is absolutely beautiful.

    thanks for sharing.

  2. ashley.
    i love your life.
    and i love your baby.
    and i wish i could see you both.
    that's all.
    thanks for sharing.
    ps. you make me want to get one.
    a baby that is.

  3. I love your pictures, Emery is so sweet!! I can't wait to be a stay at home momma. :)
