Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i've never really liked the color pink. i always told myself that if i ever had a little girl, i would dress her in yellows and purples and greens. a little pink here and there, but never too much. once we found out we were having a girl, looking for nursery bedding was so difficult. we landed on pink and green bedding and i felt ok with it - still adding as much green to the room as i could.

today? my life has been taken over by the color pink. we have pink blankets, pink onesies, pink paci's, pink burp cloths, pink socks, pink hats, pink headbands and bows...there is a splash of pink in every room of our house.

this morning i pulled some laundry out of the dryer and...pink lint. i balled it up in my hand and laughed a little. pink is now my absolute favorite color.


  1. Aww, that's really awesome. Maybe the same thing will happen to me except with blue. Im using as much green as possible too but we'll see! She's so stinkin cute by the way. :)

  2. you are having the time of your life...and it shows!
