Thursday, March 17, 2011

Six Months.

Today, Emery is 6 months old! This morning she had her 3rd round of shots, which she gets better and better at enduring! She's 14 lbs 2 oz (10%-25%) and 26 1/4" long (75%).

Emery laughs a lot. She's most ticklish under her chin and around her little thighs. She likes playing with rattles and sticking everything in her mouth. We're anticipating some teeth soon, as she CONSTANTLY drools all over everything and everyone. Everyone thinks she's the cutest and is regularly called "handsome" if momma forgets her hair bow. She's also told very often how "petite" she is. She's rolling over like a champ, and even scooting to things that are out of her reach - even if they're across the room! She's a few weeks into eating solids and so far so good. She loves to stand and bounce up and down and has recently started sitting up on her own. And lastly, she sleeps around 12 hours a fav.

She also loves this little teddy. And I've been waiting a long time for this...

Such a blessing, this little one.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Babydolls, Ribbons, and Gags.

I'd like to think I'm a pretty laid back momma. There aren't too many things that make me paranoid, lose my cool, or freak out. It helps that Emery has been such an incredibly easy child, too. Today, however, I was tested.

This past week, she's been sitting up on her own pretty well. Today I decided to try out her pack 'n play while I did some cleaning. I threw in a few toys and baby dolls with her and she was loving it - singing and talking as her toy selection was seemingly endless.

Recently, she's started this funny little fake cough. I can't explain it any better than that. But she'll be sitting in my lap (or anyone's, really) and just start this little dramatic throat cough. Totally fake and totally cute. This afternoon, I thought I heard her doing her normal thing...until it then turned into a gag. I calmly walked over to her and noticed this little number in her hand:

Crazy, right? Well it gets better. After my finger in her throat, some throwing up, and a little pep talk from my own mother, we managed to get it out. Not only did she let go of part of the tag, but a ribbon she managed to swallow, too:

So impressive. She tired herself out - going down for a nap immediately after. And I had to take a little breather as well.

Minor heart attack #1...check.